понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

dolores del monte

I swear sometimes I hear her laugh and it makes me sick.
Makes me want to rip out her hair and slap her with it.
Everything is NOT funny.
But then again I complain a lot. Who gives a shit
This is MY journal so here that doesnapos;t matter.
What matters is that she shuts the fuck up.
Redneck barefoot and pregnant. WTF kind costume is that?
So stupid.
I canapos;t say it to her face because well... Her ass will get offended.
How am I supposed to laugh at that idoitic shit?
Even Mimi didnapos;t laugh. HELLO? IT ISNapos;T FUNNY
Dumb ass.

cmk models, dolores del monte, dolores de parto, dolores de la columna, dolores de huesos.

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