понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

data interactive response voice

So saturday started off pretty normal. Woke up at 9, laid in bed til 10. Ran/lift. Lunch. Borgata. Pwn 5-10NLH in my sleep. Leave to eat dinner and change/shower for Marshallapos;s Bday shindig at Daz. Go drink a lot (i remember: 2 circus boy, 2 long islands, 3 cran-grey goose, trip shot petron, doub shot jager, corona). See people from HHS, that i would talk to . . . And dance with. 2:30ish (????) leave to drive to Marshallapos;s a whole two (2) miles away. 2 blocks away i see a cop behind me so i try to turn into the residential development drive. And i see the lights flash on. He pulls me over.

"have you been drinking tonight" - cop
"yes" - me
"you heading home?" - cop
"no, headed to a friends house a block away on Maise. I live too far to drive" - me
"well dont you think you shouldnt be driving at all if youre drunk" - cop
"yes" - me
"well get there and i better not catch you driving anywhere tonight" - cop

he speeds away. Which was good since i turned into the wrong street next. Maise was 2 blocks. I guess it was a good thing i wasnt swerving or speeding and had my seat belt on.

and my right pinky toe has been numb since around 8 last night. Strange.
data interactive response voice, data intensive computing, data intensive applications, data intelligent mining.

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