пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Hard to believe that two years ago, I held Julia in my arms for the first time.
Wow, has time flown.
She is doing great.� She loves being a big sister.� She is a help in the kitchen.� She likes to put away the dishes in the dishwasher...regardless on whether it is being unloaded, or loaded.
She helps make her breakfast most mornings.� Usually, it is cream of wheat.� She will measure the ingredients, and dump them into the bowl.� She will then stir.� Okay, so I am making sure that it is the right amount, but she does a great job dumping and stirring.

This morning, we made pancakes together.� Today is also the first time that I�pulled the step stool over to the stove so she could see them cook.� She has asked in the past to see what was going on, but I held her.� Now, it is much easier to just have her stand on the stool.� She knows that the stove is hot, and that she isnapos;t allowed to touch.� She did hand me the spatula every time I�needed it.�

At Ikea last week, she said at an elevated level, the alphabet.� One man even came over and asked me how old she was.� Normally, she will omit letters E and H.� Today, she sailed through the alphabet - even got her forgotten letters.

Weapos;ve got to clean house.� the party is tomorrow

She is asking for me now.

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